Naughty Cats Stealing Dog Beds (Caught in the Act)

Let sleeping dogs lie if only it was that easy

You’ve heard the saying, ‘let sleeping dogs lie’ but the question is just where do you let them hang out?

Are you one of the nearly 50% of dog owners who let their canine companions sleep on their bed or does your pampered pooch have a dedicated dog bed all to itself?

It’s an important question because dogs like to sleep a lot. The reason is that only about 10% of canine sleep falls into that deep REM type sleep.

Whereas humans get as much as 25% REM and so need less sleep than dogs. But sharing a home with other animals can make the daily dog nap a competition fraught with some surprising challenges.

Cats appear to create quite a few dramas when it comes to your beloved canine taking some serious sleep.

Some of the dogs on this video are really struggling to come to terms with the idea of a catnap.

In fact, some of them seem quite floored (excuse the pun) by the whole power imbalance thing.

Sometimes, it’s the human animal that gets the dog’s sleeping arrangements so terribly wrong like in this story where the dog’s human mommy gets a slightly undersized dog bed.

Mum accidentally ordered an XS dog bed

But Kenny the dog puts a brave face on it – actually the dog’s face is about all that will fit on the bed.

Kenny expresses that oh so familiar mixed look of adoration and bemused wonderment at human stupidity that we see so often on our dog’s face.

Sometime humans get it just right like the special beds, staff made up for these homeless dogs in Brazil.

Homeless dogs get their own beds

These canines have found a welcome bed for those cold nights in the bus stop and they certainly never get tired (or should that be tyred) of their little sleeping pads.

Many humans share their own beds with their best four-legged friends but some human relationships might struggle with this level of canine bedtime compatibility.

Turning over in the night must really be a dogroll involving a high degree of gymnastic complexity.

And sometimes, like these dogs, they just aren’t too fussy about where they catch forty winks.

Dog owners should never underestimate the importance of their dog having a space to call home. A dog’s bed is more than just a place to sleep.

The dog bed represents a sanctuary, a place where the dog knows everything will be all right.

The dog bed offers security and part of that security is having the assurance of the love of its human family.

Dogs can find it deeply disturbing when their human family are absent and it is important that we give our canines that sense of belonging that they need.

Just like us humans, our dogs need a place they can call their own, a space where they can chill out and sleep in peace.

That’s why a Somerzby dog bed is the perfect solution.

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