Do Chicken Coops Attract Mice? Preventing Rodents

Today, we’re tackling a common question that customers ask us: “Do chicken coops attract mice?”  Unfortunately, as chook owners ourselves, we know that mice and rats love chicken coops. And we know what a nightmare it can be!

In this blog, we’ll uncover why mice are attracted to chicken coops and the negative impact it can have on your flock.

We’ll also give our best tips to keep your coop secure including cleaning advice, feeders and DIY protection. And we’ll show you why the Deluxe Mansion is your ultimate weapon to prevent infestations.

Do chicken coops attract mice? Let’s find out together…

Do Chicken Coops Attract Mice? 

Yes, mice are attracted to chicken coops. This means having a chicken coop in your yard increases your risk of having mice in your house too! But why do mice love chicken coops so much?

Availability of Food

Mice and rats eat chicken feed because it is easy to access! Between feed spills and scatter feeding, rodents have an almost constant source of sustenance in the chicken coop.

Water Sources Within the Coop

Other than providing food sources, water is another critical factor in attracting mice to your coop. Dripping taps or containers used by chickens can offer enough moisture for these pests.

Shelter and Nesting Opportunities

The appeal of safety and warmth within your chicken coop will attract rodents. This spot offers a perfect haven for nesting, far from the threats lurking in the chilly expanses outside.

The Impact of Mice on Chicken Coops and Flocks

Mice in chicken houses are more than just a nuisance; they can pose serious threats to the coop’s structure and your chickens’ health. Let’s explore how these small rodents impact your flock.

Spreading Diseases and Parasites

Mice are carriers of various diseases, such as salmonella, which can spread quickly to backyard chickens. A mice problem not only spreads disease but also escalates parasite populations, putting your chickens’ health and egg production at risk. 

Stress Amongst Chickens

The presence of mice can put stress on chickens. Stressed birds tend to exhibit changes in behaviour such as pecking each other or reduced feeding which directly affects their growth rate and egg-laying capabilities.

While these unwanted visitors rarely attack adult chickens, they may break eggs or directly injure baby chicks.

Damage to Your Coop

Mice and rats can chew on your chicken coop in an attempt to gain entry, causing permanent damage. They are most likely to chew through softer materials such as netting, plastic sheeting or wood.

The Impact of Mice on Chicken Coops and Flocks

The Role of Cleanliness in Deterring Mice from Chicken Coops

Keeping your chicken coop clean is key to getting on top of your mouse problem. These pesky rodents are attracted to food scraps, water, and nesting materials. So, a clean coop means there’s less for them to stick around for.

Regular Cleaning Routines

Establishing a regular cleaning schedule helps pest control. This involves daily removal of food leftovers and ensuring that water sources are kept tidy. Weekly deep cleans should include changing bedding in nesting boxes and scrubbing down surfaces.

Moreover, it’s essential not just to focus on the inside but also the area surrounding the coop. Keeping grass trimmed and removing any debris can discourage mice from setting up camp near hen houses.

Remove feeders and clean thoroughly weekly.

Chicken Feeders and Food Storage

Consider feeding your flock using treadle feeders that only open when chickens step on them. This way, food is less accessible to mice and wild birds. They also minimise spilled feed on the ground.

Store chicken feed in metal containers with tight-fitting lids. To further safeguard your supply, consider elevating storage containers off the ground or even storing them in a separate shed or garage if possible.

Ensure all watering systems are leak-free and don’t leave any stagnant water around which attracts rodents.

Eradicating Potential Nest Sites

To prevent mice and rat infestations, don’t have compost heaps or pet food sources too close to the chicken coop. Frequent checks behind panels or beneath flooring can help you spot early signs of infestation before they become severe problems.

DIY Tips for Protecting Your Chicken Coop From Mice

With a few strategic DIY adjustments, you can make your coop less inviting to unwelcome guests.

Blocking Access

Physical barriers provide an effective line of defence against mice infiltration into chicken coops. Somerzby chicken coops all have wire mesh on the sides that prevents mice from entering.

If you have an older chicken coop, fix any cracks or gaps with gnaw-proof hardware cloth. If your coop is on soft ground, mice may be able to dig their way in underneath.

You could stop this by adding chicken wire onto the base or building your coop onto a solid concrete floor.

Feeding Schedules

It is a good idea to feed your flock during the daytime and remove access to chicken food at night, as mice are most active after sunset.


If you have an existing problem, you can either kill rodents using snap traps or catch them and then relocate them using humane traps. Be extremely careful using rodent bait as there is a risk your hens could accidentally eat it.

DIY Tips for Protecting Your Chicken Coop From Mice

Somerzby Chicken Coops Help Mouse Prevention

Here at Somerzby, we’re backyard chicken keepers too and have experienced firsthand the headache of a mouse infestation. That’s why we have designed all our chicken coops to minimise rodent access.

Wire Mesh

All Somerzby chicken coops come with wire mesh on the sides that keeps out mice and rats. The mesh holes are 11x11mm which is too small for rodents to squeeze through.

The wire itself is 0.9mm thick which rodents cannot chew through or break.

Deluxe Mansion Chicken Coop

If your coop is on soft ground, mice can gain access by digging their way in underneath. That’s why we designed the ultimate rodent-proof chicken coop – the Deluxe Mansion!

The top-selling Deluxe Mansion comes with wire mesh on the floor, making it impossible for rodents to dig in. It also stops foxes from digging and snakes from slithering in underneath if the coop is on uneven ground.

Toni’s Wrap

Do chicken coops attract mice? In this blog, we’ve learnt the answer is yes! Chickens attract mice and other rodents, searching for food and something warm to nest.

Mice not only pose a threat by spreading diseases but also stress out our feathered friends. But remember, it’s all manageable with some smart steps.

Focus on cleanliness, store feed securely and implement preventive measures to make your coop less appealing to rodents.

Investing in a Somerzby chicken coop gives you mouse-proof wire mesh on all sides and the Deluxe Mansion model also has wire mesh on the base to prevent sneaky mice from digging their way in.

Your efforts will safeguard your flock’s health and ensure peace within the coop. After all, happy chickens mean a happy life for us too!