A Stress-Free Guide: How to Travel with a Cat in Australia

How To Travel With A Cat In Australia

Hi, I’m Toni and I’ve been a cat lover all my life! Today’s topic is something a lot of people ask me about: how to travel with a cat. I began a deep dive into understanding how to travel with a cat without causing them undue stress or discomfort.

This exploration led me down some fascinating paths – from choosing carriers designed for feline comfort to discovering pet-friendly stays across Australia. 

In this post, we’ll navigate together through what you can do to ensure your cat is comfortable during your travel together.

Preparing Your Cat for Travel

If you’re considering a road trip or even travelling internationally with your feline friend, the key to success is preparation. The more you get ready, the better and less stressful your voyage will be for both of you.

Vet Check-ups and Vaccinations

Scheduling a vet visit well ahead of time should be on top of your list too. They can perform general health check-ups on cats, ensuring all vaccinations are up-to-date, which is especially important if travelling internationally where pet rules may require proof of certain immunisations.

Cat Identification Measures

A microchip implantation offers additional security because unlike collars, which might come off accidentally, microchips stay put. However, remember to always keep registration information updated, especially prior to embarking upon journeys involving frequent changes in location such as road trips.

You could consider getting temporary tags made containing contact details and the destination address in case of unforeseen circumstances like separation en route or at the final destination.


Proper packing can make or break a successful road trip with your cat. It’s not only about the creature comforts – it is also absolutely vital for guaranteeing their protection and welfare during your journey.

Cat Identification Measures

The right essentials ensure that even when you’re travelling, they have everything needed to feel secure. This includes cat wear identification tags, your cat’s medical documents, a travel litter box and litter disposal tools, and familiar items from home which all contribute towards making them comfortable on long journeys such as their favourite toys or beds

Choosing the Right Carrier

Picking out a suitable carrier for your cat is an essential part of making it to your final destination. It’s important to ensure that it provides comfort, security and adequate ventilation.


Selecting the right size carrier is crucial during long journeys. Somerzby suggests choosing one large enough to allow grown-up cats to stand up comfortably, turn around and easily lie down, without feeling cramped or uncomfortable.

A carrier too small could make the journey rather uneasy whereas a carrier too big may cause unnecessary movement potentially leading to injury.


Your chosen carrier must come equipped with appropriate safety features including secure latches so there’s no chance of escape mid-journey.

Also think about how easy it will be getting your cat inside the carrier causing minimum stress. Some crates offer multiple doors facilitating entry from various angles. 


The market offers a variety of carriers:

Hard Carriers

Hard-shell carriers are durable and can handle more rough-and-tumble situations compared to their counterparts. They’re also easier to clean if your adult cat has any accidents during travel.

Soft Carriers

Soft-shelled carriers are typically lighter in weight making them portable but they might not provide ample protection against sudden stops or impacts while on road trips with cats inside them.


Small pet crates offer a secure and reliable option for transporting your feline friend. Built with sturdy materials, they can handle the jolts of travel. Most crates can also be collapsed flat when not in use for simple storage.


Travelling by Car with Your Cat

Taking a successful road trip with your cat can be quite an adventure, but it’s not without its challenges. De-stress cat road trips by planning ahead.

Easing Your Cat into Car Travel

The first step in prepping your cat begins long before any actual travel takes place. Cats can find car rides quite distressing, so it’s crucial that they get used to this environment gradually. 

Begin training by letting them explore inside a stationary vehicle during an indoor walkabout session. This allows them time to familiarise themselves with their surroundings without any movement or engine noise causing extra stress.

Then start taking short drives around your local area with your cat inside the car. Slowly increase these trips as your cat becomes more comfortable.

Packing for the Cat

No matter how far away from home you’re travelling, don’t overlook litter disposal needs. A small litter pan or travel litter box along with fresh litter and a litter scoop are must-haves within easy reach inside the car.

Hydration becomes particularly important during lengthy journeys, so remember to bring plenty of bottled water and a bowl.  Lastly, pack comfort items like blankets carrying home scents or toys which could significantly soothe anxious kitties en route.

Flying with Your Cat

So, you’re considering a getaway and your furry mate is tagging along for the adventure. Air travel can be daunting for cat lovers, but fret not – we’ve got some tips that’ll help make the journey smoother.

Airline Pet Policies

Different airlines have various regulations concerning travelling with pets, so it’s essential to research their policies before booking any flights. Some may allow small animals in the cabin while others require them as checked baggage or cargo.

Make your cat wear identification during transit – an ID tag attached to its collar containing contact details could prove invaluable if they were ever separated from you at any point of the journey.

I recommend you contact your airline for their policies on cat wear identification. 

Pack for the Plane

In addition to food bowls, water dishes, and enough meals for the duration of your trip, consider packing items familiar to your cat such as toys or blankets which will offer comfort during flight time.

If travelling internationally, remember your cat’s medical documents including vaccination records and health certificates issued by a vet within ten days prior to the departure date may be required too.

Making the Journey Comfortable

To de-stress your lively travel companions, use calming sprays designed specifically for cats inside pet carriers just before boarding. This significantly reduces anxiety levels associated with flying. Also include a fluffy Calming Bed inside the carrier. 

Try to book direct flights to avoid unnecessary layovers and reduce the overall stress experienced by yourself and your travel companion alike.

Navigating Airport Security

Cats must come out of their carriers when passing through airport security checks. However, keeping hold of them securely whilst the pet carrier goes on the conveyor belt ensures safety isn’t compromised in the process.

Having a harness and leash on your cat in case they attempt to escape is highly recommended, especially in crowded environments like airports where there is a risk of losing sight of quick-moving animals. 

Navigating Airport Security

Finding Pet-Friendly Accommodations

Travelling with your adult cat requires some forward-thinking, especially when it comes to finding pet-friendly accommodations.

It’s not just about reserving an evening destination; you must make sure the location is inviting and secure for your kitty companion.

Research Pet Policies Online

The internet has made life easier in so many ways, including finding establishments that are open to hosting pets. Websites like Booking.com have filters specifically designed for this purpose.

If you want more targeted results, websites such as TakeYourPet cater exclusively to traveler’s with pets across Australia. However, don’t forget to read through reviews from other cat lovers who have stayed there before making any final decisions.

Contacting Establishments Directly

In cases where an establishment’s website doesn’t provide clear information on their pet policy, get proactive. Reach out directly and inquire whether they would be willing to host small animals or make exceptions upon request.

You should also ask about specific rules regarding cats – some places might require them to stay within carriers while others may have dedicated areas where cats can roam freely during their stay.

Evaluating Surroundings Outside The Room

We often overlook what lies outside the hotel room, but remember – safety first. Check beforehand whether there are busy roads nearby posing potential risks or green spaces available allowing supervised in-house walkabout time after reaching your evening destination.

Toni’s Tip

After travelling, help your cat settle back into their routine and monitor any changes in eating habits. Be aware of stress signs in your feline friend and seek veterinary advice if needed.

Toni’s Wrap

Understanding how to travel with a cat and preparing thoroughly is the first step towards a stress-free journey. The right carrier makes all the difference, ensuring safety and comfort.

Packing essentials can turn any trip into a pleasant experience for both you and your lively travel companions. Whether by car or plane, understanding how to navigate these spaces with your pet eases anxiety.

Finding pet-friendly accommodations ensures that everyone feels welcome on arrival. Ready to make travelling with your cat even more comfortable? At Somerzby, we offer top-quality carriers and crates designed with pets’ needs in mind.

Our products are perfect for keeping your furry friends safe during travels or at rest stops along the way.