Isa Browns are happy to be held by your kids and some will even enjoy sitting on their lap and getting cuddles, they even get along with dogs.
Category Archives: Info Guides
Wyandottes make a great backyard chicken. They are friendly without being overly docile meaning they have plenty of personality. They are easy to handle, care for and are cold hardy.
Rhode Island Reds make great pets and are therefore incredibly popular as backyard chickens. They are efficient egg layers and can also be farmed for their meat.
If you’re searching for a great backyard chicken, then check out our guide to this stunning breed! Tips on breeding, keeping as pets & eggs included.
Bengal Cats, also known as Tiger Cats, came about as the result of an accidental cross in the 1960s between a wild cat, the wild Asian Leopard cat (Felis Bengalensis), and a domestic tabby.